Course Description

Did you know that you can leverage parallel processing using your desktop computer? 

If you are moving into a territory in your GIS career where the amount of data you are using prevents you from doing your job effectively, this course is for you.  We'll focus on the best practices for using large data sources and the new offering by Esri and open-source tools to parallelize geospatial tasks.  Esri's GeoAnalytics Desktop tools and Postgres/PostGIS provide a parallel processing framework for GIS analysis using your existing PC.  Most PCs today have 8 or more processing cores (CPUs).  The use of Apache Spark in GeoAnalytics Desktop and the use of worker processes in Postgres turns your desktop PC system into a mini high-performance computing lab.  The tools are so well integrated in ArcGIS Pro that they operate in the same way as other geoprocessing tools in ArcGIS.  And, while Postgres requires a little more thought, the flexibility it offers provides exceptional speed for handling large data analysis projects.

While parallel processing tools exist, they may be severely ineffective unless you properly utilize the hardware, software, and data on your computer.  This class will introduce you not only to the actual features in GeoAnalytics Desktop and Postgres, but also some of the best practices when working with hardware, software, and data.   Some of the topics we'll address include:

  • hardware considerations for working with large spatial data.
  • classes of databases to store large spatial data.
  • working with different coordinate systems with large spatial data.
  • indexing strategies for improving the speed of database searches.
  • formatting GIS data to improve spatial analysis.

You will have an opportunity to not only learn about the theoretical topics of large spatial data analysis, but you'll perform hands-on activities to test the processes yourself.  This is the perfect course to get you ready for working with large amounts of spatial and non-spatial data.

As an added bonus, this class will also demonstrate all of the concepts using Manifold GIS. Manifold is a lower-cost GIS software package that is designed for use in a parallel processing environment. 

Course curriculum

  1. 01
  2. 02
    • Hardware considerations

    • Local vs. distributed processing

  3. 03
    • Available tools

    • Hands on activity: Overlay in ArcGIS Pro with and without Geoanalytics Desktop

    • Hands on activity: Postgres and PostGIS

    • Hands on activity: Manifold GIS

  4. 04
    • A quick overview of parallel processing with Postgres and PostGIS

    • Overview of important parallel processing definitions in Postgres

    • Walkthrough of fine-tuning Postgres for parallel processing

  5. 05
    • Classes of databases

    • Coordinate Systems

    • Hands on activity: ArcGIS on-the-fly transformation vs. same coordinate system

    • Hands on activity: Postgres on-the-fly transformation vs. same coordinate system

    • Hands on activity: Manifold on-the-fly transformation vs. same coordinate system

    • Αttribute data indexing

    • Hands on activity: ArcGIS Pro search on an indexed field vs. a non-indexed field

    • Hands on activity: Postgres search on an indexed field vs. a non-indexed field

    • Subdividing large polygons to increase efficiency: when more is less

    • Access GeoAnalytics Desktop Tools: the GUI, Model Builder, and Python

    • Access Postgres/PostGIS Parallel Tools: QGIS DB Manager

Pricing - Life time Access

What will you learn?

  • What is parallel processing

  • Hardware considerations for leveraging parallel processing

  • Parallel processing with ArcGIS Pro, Postgres/PostGIS and Manifold GIS

  • Best practices for data preparation

  • What is data indexing

Student Profile?

  • Under/post graduate students

  • Professionals and Companies

  • Master students and PhD candidates

  • Researchers and Academics

Some more information

  • Certificates of Completion

    After you successfully finish the course, you can claim your Certificate of Completion with NO extra cost! You can add it to your CV, LinkedIn profile etc

  • Available at any time! Study at your best time

    We know hard it is to acquire new skills. All our courses are self paced.

  • Online and always accessible

    Even when you finish the course and you get your certificate, you will still have access to course contents! Every time an Instructor makes an update you will be notified and be able to watch it for FREE

About your Instructor

Dr. Arthur J. Lembo, Jr. is an educator with a passion for GIS and almost 30 years of GIS industry experience. He has won numerous teaching awards, including the prestigious New York State Chancellors award for Excellence in Teaching (2006), and the Maryland Board of Regents Teaching Award (2018) - both of these awards are the highest awards in academia for both States. Currently, Dr. Lembo is a Professor in the Department of Geography and Geosciences at Salisbury University, where he is also the Technical Director of the Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative. Dr. Lembo has published numerous academic papers on GIS, authored a leading textbook on Statistical Problem Solving in Geography, and conducted sponsored research for organizations like the National Science Foundation, NASA, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the Kellogg Foundation.

Arthur Lembo


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