Course Description

Location information is crucial for modern applications. From simple applications requiring only positional information (e.g. geo-tagging) to complex ones interweaving multi-modal/multi-temporal data (e.g. gps routing/fleet management, environmental studies, defense applications), common queries that need to be answered can be expressed as: “Where do I stand?” and “how should I represent my data?”.

The answer to the first question requires the establishment of a coordinate reference system having an one-to-one relationship with the contained physical entities. However, since we are dealing with a 3D planetary system, but applications usually require 2D representations (maps), there is also the need to transform (project) the 3D information onto the 2D plane.

To address the second question, it is needed to identify the purpose of the application at hand e.g. is it required to utilize high-precision location information (e.g. points, lines, or polygons) or sampled information in a dense matter (e.g. grid) to represent the desired phenomena?

To this end, the aim of this course is to provide the required background needed to understand:
- how planetary coordinate reference systems work,
- what types of common map projections are available, along with major advantages and disadvantages of each one,
- which are the available data representation models (raster, vector) and how a user selects between them,
- sources of (primarily free) available geospatial data, and
- how all this information is expressed and represented within current Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Course curriculum

  1. 01
    • Introduction to course

  2. 02
    • Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS): Definitions, Height Types and Datum

    • Projections: Definition, Projection Categories, and the Mercator Projection

  3. 03
    • Spatial Data Representation: Spatial perception, raster and vector data models

    • Geospatial Data Sources

    • Raster and Vector Properties in QGIS

Pricing - Life time Access

What will you learn?

  • How coordinate systems are created

  • Different ways of representing elevation

  • What is a geodetic datum

  • The distinction between different types of projections

  • To identify and select the proper data representation model (Raster or Vector)

  • About available geospatial data sources

  • How this information is represented in current GIS Systems

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  • Undergraduate students

  • Master students and PhD candidates

  • Researchers and Academics

  • Professionals and Companies

Some more information

  • Certificates of Completion

    After you successfully finish the course, you can claim your Certificate of Completion with NO extra cost! You can add it to your CV, LinkedIn profile etc

  • Available at any time! Study at your best time

    We know hard it is to acquire new skills. All our courses are self paced.

  • Online and always accessible

    Even when you finish the course and you get your certificate, you will still have access to course contents! Every time an Instructor makes an update you will be notified and be able to watch it for FREE

About your Instructors

Dr Argyros Argyridis is a Rural & Surveying Engineer. He received both, his Dipl-Ing and PhD from the NTUA. His expertise covers the spectrum of Geographic Information Sciences, Remote Sensing, Earth Observation, and EU/Copernicus technologies. He is the author of 10+ publications in scientific journals, conference proceedings. His research, science, and technology interests include the investigation, implementation and integration of image analysis, machine learning, Geomatics/GIS, and knowledge representation methodologies, towards automation of mapping from Remotely Sensed data, along with the design and development of web-based Geoplatforms. His programming skills include multiple languages (e.g., C/C++, PHP, Python, SQL, JavaScript etc), along with relevant libraries and software for image analysis (Orfeo Toolbox, OpenCV, al ArcGIS technologies, ERDAS Imagine) machine learning (e.g. Tensorflow, Caffe), data management (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL Server, data exchange protocols, WMS/WFS, JSON/GeoJSON, SOAP, Rest Services), and Geoplatform development (OpenLayers, Leaflet, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Geoportal, and ESRI technologies). His management skills include timely coordination of projects, proper management and allocation of human resources, significant communication skills, and budgeting.

Dr. Argyros Argyridis

Earth Observation Analyst & GIS Architect

About your Instructors

Stelios Skarakis is a Rural & Surveying Engineer. He received his Dipl-ing from the NTUA and he has received his Msc on Water Resources science from NTUA as well. His main field of expertise is in Land Surveying, GIS, Photogrammetry, and Remote Rensing. He also has a significant experience in the construction industry and he works as a real estate consultant. His technological interests include the development and spread of innovative software primarily in the fields of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing while he is also a persistence supporter of open source software such as QGIS, GRASS GIS, Orfeo Toolbox and SAGA.

Stelios Skarakis

Photogrammetry Expert | Rural & Surveying Engineer