Course Description

In this course we will be exploring the different capabilities of the folium library. Folium is a python mapping library that allows you to create maps rapidly with very little and easy to understand code. We will use this library to create a variety of maps for multiple use cases. We will be exploring the most useful objects that the folium library has to offer ranging from Markers, Points, Measure Controls, Tiles, Web Map Tile Services, Layers and much more. We will also do a bit of preprocessing with the pandas library, in order to prepare our data for meeting the requirements of the maps that we will be building. By using the full capabilities of the tools we will be using, one can build very advanced map applications with very few lines of code. This course is useful to all levels of experience from beginner to advanced professionals and is very easy to get started with. There are no complex installations and configurations required, as we will use a single platform that includes everything we need such as jupyter notebooks. It is only required that you have python 3 installed and anaconda, as well as an internet connection, in order to download our datasets and libraries. Any operating system is applicable as long as you are able to run jupyter notebooks and use the python 3 compiler. This course is done on a windows 10 machine. After you build your maps you will learn how to share them with anyone.

Course curriculum

  1. 02
    • Lesson 2: Creating your first folium map

  2. 03
    • Lesson 3: Creating and Styling Markers

    • Lesson 4: Classifying Markers

  3. 04
    • Lesson 5: Creating a Point Map

    • Lesson 6: Classifying Points

  4. 05
    • Lesson 7: Creating a Choropleth Map Part 1

    • Lesson 8: Creating a Choropleth Map Part 2

  5. 06
    • Lesson 9: Measuring Boundaries Part 1

    • Lesson 10: Measuring Boundaries Part 2

  6. 07
    • Lesson 11: Creating a Layer Control

  7. 08
    • Lesson 12: Creating a Heatmap

  8. 09
    • Lesson 13: Sharing and Exporting your Maps

    • Discussion with your personal virtual instructor

Pricing - Life time Access

Some more information

  • Certificates of Completion

    After you successfully finish the course, you can claim your Certificate of Completion with NO extra cost! You can add it to your CV, LinkedIn profile etc

  • Available at any time! Study at your best time

    We know hard it is to acquire new skills. All our courses are self paced.

  • Online and always accessible

    Even when you finish the course and you get your certificate, you will still have access to course contents! Every time an Instructor makes an update you will be notified and be able to watch it for FREE

About your Instructor

Data Engineer and business intelligence consultant with an academic background in Bsc computer science and around 5 years of experience in IT. Involved in multiple projects ranging from Business Intelligence, Software Engineering, IoT and Big data analytics. Expertise are in building data processing pipelines in the Hadoop and Cloud ecosystems and software development. My career started as an embedded software engineer writing firmware for integrated microchips, then moved on as an ERDAS APOLLO developer at geo data design a hexagon geospatial partner. Am now a consultant at one of the top business intelligence consultancies helping clients build data warehouses, data lakes, cloud data processing pipelines and machine learning pipelines. The technologies I use to accomplish client requirements range from Hadoop, Amazon S3, Python, Django, Apache Spark, MSBI, Microsoft Azure, SQL Server Data Tools, Talend and Elastic MapReduce.

Edwin Bomela

Data Engineer and business intelligence consultant

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