Course Description

In general, landslides are natural disasters which have impact in many areas around the world. These events cause serious damage to the infrastructure almost every year. In that context, the mapping of regions that are susceptible to landslides is essential for the suitable and sustainable management of these areas. Geographic Information System (GIS) can be applied in order to identify prone areas susceptible to landslides and to mitigate possible damages and human losses. An approach is been given using ArcGIS 10.x software.

ArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) for working with maps and geographic information. It is used for creating and using maps, compiling geographic data, analyzing mapped information, sharing and discovering geographic information, using maps and geographic information

This video course is structured in a way to get easily familiar with Modelling Landslide Susceptibility. Free vector and raster data are being used during the entire course.

Just follow the steps described in each video course and you will understand Landslide Susceptibility Modelling in a fraction of time!

Check out the curriculum for the detailed contents of this video course

Course curriculum

  1. 01
  2. 02
  3. 03
  4. 04
    • Lesson 15: Initializing the approach

    • Lesson 16: Faults processing

    • Lesson 17: Lithology processing

    • Lesson 18: Classifying the Road Network

    • Lesson 19: Classifying Seismicity

    • Lesson 20: Digital Elevation Model classes

    • Lesson 21: Reclassification of raster datasets - Part 1

    • Lesson 22: Reclassification of raster datasets - Part 2

    • Lesson 23: Reclassification of raster datasets - Part 3

    • Quiz 1

  5. 05
    • Lesson 24: Calculating Landslide Susceptibility Index/ Creating Thematic Map of LSI

    • Bonus: Course dataset

    • Quiz 2

Any Prerequisites?

  • Valid ArcGIS licence

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  • Under/post graduate students

  • Professionals and Companies

  • Master students and PhD candidates

  • Researchers and Academics

Some more information

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  • Available at any time! Study at your best time

    We know hard it is to acquire new skills. All our courses are self paced.

  • Online and always accessible

    Even when you finish the course and you get your certificate, you will still have access to course contents! Every time an Instructor makes an update you will be notified and be able to watch it for FREE

About your Instructor

Krassakis Pavlos is a PhD candidate in Geospatial Intelligence for Risk Assessment and works as Geologist - GIS specialist at Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH). He has studied Geology and Geoenvironment at University of Athens and holds a Master's degree in Environmental Design of Infrastructure Works, specialized in assessment of landslides via geospatial methods and satellite data, in collaboration with the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Main objective of his scientific work is Applied Geographical Information Systems (Applied GIS) in various fields. He has been involved in many research projects related to GIS applications. Also he has corporated with Hellenic Institute of Geological and Mineral Research (I.G.M.E.) in various projects related to GIS and Remote Sensing (RS) techniques. Moreover, he has trained members of I.G.M.E. and I.E.K.E.M T.E.E in the field of Geographic Information Systems such as (Basic elements and presentation of advantages and basic elements for the layout of geographic data, topology and thematic cartography).

Pavlos Krassakis

Senior Geospatial Expert