Course on using ArcGIS for hydrology
Learn the basics of the main GIS software on the market and how to use it for hydrology analysis
Lesson 1: Introduction to GIS
FREE PREVIEWLesson 2: Introduction to ArcGIS software
Lesson 3: Selection by Location, attributes, clip features and tables to Excel
Lesson 4: Performing actions on the data, change projections, dissolve, clip
Resources for lesson 3 and 4
Lesson 5: From .TXT and .DXF to shapefile
Resources for lesson 5
Lesson 6: Calculations with attribute table and KML files in ArcMap
Resources for lesson 6
Lesson 7: Export from ArcMap to PDF
Resources for lesson 7
Lesson 8: ArcScene 3D
Lesson 9: GIS example test
Lesson 10: AutoCAD fixing polygon coordinates
Quiz 1
Lesson 11: Download hydrological data
Lesson 12: Calculate flow direction and flow accumulation
Lesson 13: Watershed delineation
Lesson 14: Clip layers to watershed boundary
Lesson 15: Stream segments and catchments
Lesson 16: Stream order convert to vector
Lesson 17: Spatial join catchments
Lesson 18: Join stream ID to stream order
Lesson 19: Map data and initial layout
Lesson 20: Add and format map elements
Quiz 2
Students will be able to understand ArcGIS concepts
Students will be able to perform basic and advanced processing actions in ArcGIS
Students will be able to represent their analysis on a map
Students will be able to make a map from start to finish
Regular price