Beginner course into Java concepts
Find out the key concepts of Java programming structure by following this easy beginner course.
Lesson 1: Hello World IDE
FREE PREVIEWLesson 2: What is Java?
Lesson 3: Working with Variables
FREE PREVIEWLesson 4: Variable Types
Lesson 5: Non-Numeric Data Types
Quiz 1
Lesson 6: Strings
Lesson 7: Arithmetic Operators
Lesson 8: Relational Operators
Lesson 9: Logical Operators
Lesson 10: Assignment Operators
Quiz 2
Lesson 11: Solving Problems With Google
Lesson 12: If in Java
Lesson 13: Else If Else
Lesson 14: Switch
Lesson 15: While Loop
Lesson 16: For Loop
Lesson 17: Arrays
Lesson 18: Sorting Arrays
Lesson 19: Methods
Lesson 20: Recursion
Quiz 3
Lesson 21: OOP #1 Classes Objects
Lesson 22: OOP #2 Constructors
Lesson 23: OOP #3 Inheritance
Lesson 24: #4 Modifier Types
Lesson 25: OOP #5 Encapsulation
Lesson 26: OOP #6 Abstraction
Lesson 27: OOP #7 Polymorphism
how to write Hello World in Java
how to create a Java project and a Java class in Eclipse
You will assign variables, learn about different variable types and how to use them
how to use operators, with simple examples and homeworks
how to go through and sort arrays using loops (for, if, while)
You will create methods and learn about Object Oriented Programming terms, very easy
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