Learn the necessary programming tools for engineering and science fields & dive into GIS analysis using the ArcPy package

Advance your Skills!

Become a stronger and more competitive GIS professional

You probably grew up using ArcGIS and every day, you sit down at your  computer desk achieving specific tasks and get work done with the greatest ease and maximum benefit. However, have you yet explored the endless capabilities and benefits of integrating ArcPy scripts to your every day work?


This course is designed to make the power of applied programming and Python scripting available to those who have no or little experience writing code. 

The course starts with the basics of programming and scripting, such as what scripting is and how to write and run simple lines of code. Following this, the course covers more sophisticated aspects and dive into the spatial analysis utilizing the benefits of the ArcGIS programming toolS like the Modelbuilder and the ArcPy package.

Pricing - Lifetime Access

Course curriculum

  1. 01
  2. 02
    • Lesson 1: Applied Programming – Part 1

    • Lesson 2: Applied Programming – Part 2

    • Lesson 3: Applied Programming – Part 3

  3. 03
    • Lesson 4: Python Basics

    • Lesson 5: Lists & Arrays

    • Lesson 6: IF-ELSE

    • Lesson 7: Loops

    • Lesson 8: Introduction to SPYDER Workspace

    • Lesson 9: Methods & Functions

    • Lesson 10: Variables

    • Lesson 11: Modules

    • Lesson 12: Object Oriented Programming

    • Lesson 13: Visualisation & Plotting

    • Lesson 14: Working with Text Files

  4. 04
    • Lesson 15: ArcGIS Programming Part-1

    • Lesson 16: ArcGIS Programming Part-2

    • Lesson 17: ArcGIS Programming Part-3

    • Lesson 18 : ArcGIS Geoprocessing

    • Lesson 19 : Intro to ArcPy (Functions & Classes)

    • Lesson 20 : Basic Functionalities & Examples

    • Lesson 21 : Working with Vectors

    • Lesson 22 : ArcPy Script Arguments

    • Lesson 23 : Automation, Batch & Schedule

    • Lesson 24 : ArcPy & Raster Processing

  5. 05
    • Lesson 25 : Example 1 – Working with Geometry

    • Lesson 26 : Example 2 – Raster Algebra

    • Lesson 27 : Example 3 – Vector Analysis

    • Lesson 28 : Example 4 – Data Management

    • Lesson 29 : Example 5 – Batch Vector Analysis in GDB

    • Lesson 30 : Example 6 – Spatial Queries

    • Lesson 31 : Example 7 – Real Life Project Solution

What Will I Learn?

  • Basic Programming Concepts

  • ArcGIS Programming

  • Become Confident with ArcPy

  • Python Basics

  • ArcGIS Geoprocessing Tools

  • Create Scripts and Batch Routines

Any prerequisites?

  • Windows/Linux Machine and Basic Computer Skills

  • Basic Familiarity with Scripting

  • An ArcGIS license or a trial version

  • Basic GIS/Remote Sensing Knowledge

  • Willingness to Learn New Things & Experiment

GEO Premium

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Student Profile?

  • Under/post graduate students

  • Professionals and Companies

  • Master students and PhD candidates

  • Researchers and Academics

Some more information

  • Certificates of Completion

    After you successfully finish the course, you can claim your Certificate of Completion with NO extra cost! You can add it to your CV, LinkedIn profile etc

  • Available at any time! Study at your best time

    We know hard it is to acquire new skills. All our courses are self paced.

  • Online and always accessible

    Even when you finish the course and you get your certificate, you will still have access to course contents! Every time an Instructor makes an update you will be notified and be able to watch it for FREE

About your Instructor

I'm a Remote Sensing and a Surveying Engineer. I received my degree from NTUA in 2010, where I also received my Ph.D. in hyperspectral remote sensing in 2016. From graduation in 2010, my career started as a Researcher Associate and Teaching Associate in the Laboratory of Remote Sensing of NTUA. From that time I also worked at several private companies as a Remote Sensing Expert and Geospatial Analyst. From the beginning of 2015 I was positioned as Senior Earth Observation Expert. During these years, I have participated in more than 20 funded European Commission and European Space Agency projects, have over 16 peer reviewed scientific publications in the field of Remote Sensing, and have an international patent in hyperspectral data compression.My main research and professional interests are in the optical remote sensing area, where I specialize in data (images, point measurements) processing and algorithm design and development. Some of the software tools that I operate to accomplish my research and business dreams are SNAP, ENVI, IDL, QGIS, ERDAS Imagine, ArcGIS, and Python. I have been working with these tools since 2008.

Dimitris Sykas

Remote Sensing Expert

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