Are you an exceptional GIS or Earth Observation expert? Do you want teach your knowledge, get recognized and rewarded?

If yes, then this is the opportunity for you!

Join our team of Instructors and inspire students and professionals to advance their career! 

To do so, feel free to fill out the Application Form for Instructors with the following contents:

  1. CV (Europass format is preferred, but we will accept also other formats)
  2. The topic of the course you want to create. Please include a draft title and a short description (1-2 paragraphs)
  3. A short 1-3 minutes length sample video of your work (so to help us evaluate your teaching and delivery style)

Please note that the official language of the courses is English.

We will respond within 3-5 working days. If your profile meets our educational standards and the course you propose is relevant we will start the process of adding you as one of our Instructors. A dedicated member from our team will contact you and guide you through the process.

Some general guidelines:

  • Choose your topic you are best at.
  • Teach what you know, or teach what you love. 
  • You can create a course related to GIS, Earth Observation and their relevant applications. 
  • Teach the way it seems fit. We have multiple formats you can use to create your course. 
  • Teach in the style that makes sense for your topic and personality.

Thousands of students and professionals are waiting to learn and we’re here to help you make it happen.

Why to be an Instructor?

  • Earn income along the way

    Once we approve your course, it will be published to our marketplace. Students, professionals, decision makers will be able to find it and purchase it. You'll earn money every time a student purchases your course.

  • Inspire a new generation

    Help students and professionals advance their careers. Assist them with new skills and tools. Inspire also yourself and be passionate about it.

  • Create your own professional brand

    Teach what you know best and do it in an amazing way. Then your students will follow you and you become the point of reference!

Follow your dreams. You won’t regret it!

We treat every Instructor as a partner/collaborator. We understand how difficult is to create an online course. We are here to help you through the process and make sure that our students will love it!